Support SEEDS Today

Your gifts create solutions that literally reverse global warming one light bulb, one recycling bin, and one classroom at a time! 

What We Do

We have four program categories that accomplish different facets of our mission: EcoSchool, EcoCorps, EcoStrategies, and the SEEDS EcoLearning Center at Historic Barns Park

Where We Work

SEEDS is making a positive impact across Michigan. Find a project or program near you!

Upcoming Events

Shop Wood Rescue

When you make a Wood Rescue Initiative purchase, you are helping us to save felled trees from the chipper and train EcoCorps members in woodworking skills. Thank you for supporting our work!

We're Hiring!

Our team members make a difference every day, whether it is teaching a classroom of elementary students about recycling, supporting local farmers markets, leading a crew of local youth to build a boardwalk, or quantifying data to enable a city to reach resiliency goals.

Join us and become a part of a thriving network of people who are dedicated to creating positive change!