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25 Years of EcoStrategies: Local Climate Action

With degraded soils, annihilated microbiota, polluted waters, and fragmented community connections, the work ahead of us is too important and too urgent to simply wait for great kids to grow up and take charge.

The SEEDS EcoStrategies team engages individuals and institutions to facilitate change at a community-scale. For 25 years, SEEDS has championed pragmatic climate action and carbon drawdown strategies. We partner with and amplify local decision makers who are ready to take tangible steps toward climate mitigation and adaptation strategies – whether the strategies are clean energy, waste management, or nature-based carbon sequestration.

Over the years we have convened community dialogues about carbon targets and hosted interactive learning sessions on a variety of topics. We’ve been a fiduciary partner and a ‘ghost’ grant writer, helping communities leverage federal and state funding streams.

A group of students points upward at the solar panel installation outside Historic Barns Park.
Two women stand in front of pre-assembled wind turbine showing the large scale of the blade compared to people.

SEEDS annual operations are carbon-positive, last year offsetting the equivalent of an entire railcar of coal!

49 MTCO2e

Scope 1&2 Greenhouse Gas emissions

(210) MTCO2e

Greenhouse Gas
emissions prevented


(19) MTCO2e

Greenhouse Gas
emissions sequestered

Leading Innovation with EcoStrategies Today

A group of people surveys SEEDS Farm in the fall season.

SEEDS EcoStrategies staff and partnering specialists provide consultation services to institutional leaders, businesses, and community influencers looking to set ‘green’ targets and take meaningful action. 

Our team uses evidence-based strategies and people-centric planning to help stakeholders define, forecast, and implement holistic, climate-informed choices based on a balanced triple-bottom-line.

We continue to support municipal clean energy / decarbonization efforts and expand our collective capacity to manifest a 33% reduction of organic materials going into landfills within a 10-county region. 

Through convening, research, and consulting, EcoStrategies engages in systems-scale change-making, amplifying other efforts geared toward human health, ecosystem regeneration, infrastructure management, and the development of more beneficial circular economies. 

We are proud to partner with leaders who inspire, inform, and instigate the transition to carbon drawdown.

A city bus with a cartoonish compost bin featuring SEEDS logo is overflowing with giant compostable materials incl. banana peel, apple cores, carrot stems, flowers and fruit rinds

SEEDS won a bus ad in a social media contest and decided to use it to spread our love for composting across town. How could we pass up the opportunity to put a banana peel on a bus?!