b'ecoseeds.orgTWENTY-FIVE YEARSOFPRIORITIZING YOUTHY outh engagement has always been a topdeeply embedded in nine school districts priority for SEEDS because we believeand has served the students of at least 27 that investing in youth is critical for thelocal schools. Our teachers and mentors have world today and for the world tomorrow. In 2009,positively impacted the lives of thousands of our youth programming exploded in size withyouth. We are incredibly grateful to all of them Michigan Department of Education funding,for spreading their contagious joy for life and allowing us to spread our fun, place-basedlove for nature. Because of their commitment, approach to learning across Northern Michigan. thousands of youth are more resilient, compassionate, healthy, active, and connected Throughout the past 15 years, SEEDS has beento nature and each other.Making memories2020 tree hugging2016 field trip to Sleeping Bear Dunes2014 science project112018 art with invasive species'