b'ecoseeds.orgTWENTY-FIVE YEARSOFBUILDING GREEN CAREERSS EEDS is proud to be a green-collar employer!crew leaders and members over the years, We believe that connecting environmentalmany of them for multiple seasons! Each action to employment is a powerful way tomember receives training in practical skills while generate big impacts. We specialize in providingsimultaneously completing needed projects in the local jobs, including for individuals as young as 16.community.Weprovide accessible ways for career explorers to learn about the green-collar trades we need toWe are delighted to be a vital piece of heal the planet. Michigans workforce development pipeline. By simultaneously investing in Michigans people and SEEDS EcoCorps, inspired by the Civilianplaces, this program will continue to drive positive Conservation Corps model, has hired over 500change for many yearsBuilding a better tomorrow for everyone!2018 finding a turtle at Shiawassee2016 trail clearing2014 historic restoration32017 beach cleanup'