b'25th Anniversary ReportMEET BRITNEY BRINTZENHOFFFROM TO TEACHERB ritney Brintzenhoff was ecstaticSEEDS motivated Britney to go to school when she saw a job posting forand stay out of trouble.site supervisor at SEEDS Eco-School in Kalkaska Upper Elementary.Now, as a site supervisor for grades She was happy about the opportunity3-5, Britney aims to create the same to work with kids as a step towards hersupportive and engaging environment goal of becoming a teacher. She wasthat had been so impactful for her in thrilled for the chance to go back tothe past. SEEDS, because she had been a SEEDS kid herself. Through Britneys eyes, we see the true essence of SEEDS in action, support-Britney loved going to SEEDS at Kalkas- ing, nurturing, and inspiring students ka Middle School, and it wasnt justand educators alike. Her experience is because of the fun activities like karatea beautiful example of SEEDS creating and cooking. Britney believes that thelasting, positive, multi-generational friendships she made and the support- impact. The ripple effects of meaningful ive staff that were there for her playedexperiences touch many lives for manya crucial role in her personal growth.years.14'