b'TWENTY-FIVE YEARSOFLOCAL CLIMATE ACTIONW ith degraded soils, annihilateddrawdown strategies. Wepartner with and amplify microbiota, polluted waters, andlocal decision makers who are ready to take tangible fragmented community connections, thesteps toward climate mitigation and adaptation work ahead of us is too important and too urgentstrategies - whether the strategies are clean energy, to simply wait for great kids to grow up and takewaste management, or nature-based carbon charge.sequestration. Over the years we have convened community dialogues about carbon targets and The SEEDS EcoStrategies team engageshosted interactive learning sessions on a variety of individuals and institutions to facilitate changetopics. Weve been a fiduciary partner and a ghost at a community-scale. For 25 years, SEEDS hasgrant writer, helping communities leverage federal championed pragmatic climate action and carbonand state funding streams. Creating a healthy planet,for healthy people!2019 reduce, reuse, recycle hierarchy fireside chat2022 carbon coalition meeting2015 aquaponics workshop72018 2c0le1a7 nb eancehrg cyle wanourkpshop'