b'ecoseeds.org 2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEARA LOOK INSIDE L TO DAY 928 students 84% of students100 hours ECOSC H O O report benefits inper student social-emotionalon averagelearningT oday, SEEDS EcoSchool is embeddedIn addition to our robust out-of-school-in 13 schools providing academic andtime programming, our educators are also cultural enrichment after school fourin school-day classrooms and hosting field days per week all year plus six weeks oftrips. Students are learning about healthy summer camp. Each elementary and middleliving through nutrition, gardening, and school site is a licensed childcare center,movement. Student groups from across and though we are meeting a critical needNorthern Michigan are learning for childcare, SEEDS EcoSchool is so muchabout regenerative agriculture more. Our teaching staff in Benzie, Fife Lake,and habitat restoration while on Kaleva, Kalkaska, Marion and Mesick prioritizefield trips to the SEEDS Farm at hands-on and outdoor activities that developHistoric Barns Park in Traverse leadership, life skills, and resilience.City.Benzie Central Middle School 5 students work together on a 513 cooking activity.'