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More than a job: EcoCorps builds community

“The people you meet with EcoCorps and the things you do are honestly amazing. It's really cool to see the friendships I've made here. They are life-changing and I guarantee that I'll have some of these friendships forever.”
Alex Roush
EcoCorps Crew Member

EcoCorps was never just a job for Alex Roush. It was a passion. It allowed him to grow professionally while contributing to the greater good and a more sustainable future.

EcoCorps is our green-collar career exploration program. Through restoring habitat, building trails, and supporting food systems, EcoCorps teaches practical skills to restore our local ecosystems, network into green careers, and create strong communities.

In addition to doing incredible work across Northern Michigan, EcoCorps builds strong friendships. Don’t take our word for it, we’ll let Alex tell you.

Meet Alex Roush

How did you become involved with working with SEEDS?

I found out about SEEDS at TC West during a mental health summit, and it really caught my eye to have an opportunity to make a difference at both the the local and world-wide scale.

What inspires you?

I’m a social person and the people I work with at SEEDS inspire me. I’m inspired by my impact on the people around me and by knowing that I’m changing the environment in a positive way for those to come. I get most excited when a project gets really tough and we’re still smiling and laughing.

What project are you most proud of?

I was really proud of the progress we made at Alligator Hill at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. It was the first project I worked on and it was very rewarding.

Favorite activity

I really like being at home and tending to my plants! I have nearly 20 plants. I’ve been enjoying getting to know what each one needs and how I can contribute to make sure it gets what it needs.

Favorite quote

“There are no maps. You can’t map a sense a humor.” — Terry Pratchett, author.