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Off-Line, Hands-On Learning

Above: Fourth grader Macy, exploring pollinators through arts and crafts. You can find hands-on activities you can do at home here.

Craving learning activities that don’t involve sitting in front of a screen? Check out our new SEEDS Out-of-School Time page to get some learning resources!

In a culture challenged by so much screen-time, off-line learning has become even more critical!

Our after school programming has always focused on creating opportunities for social and emotional learning, hands-on activities, and connecting academics to nutrition and the out-of-doors. With early school closures, we continue in this work and add new strategies. We offer you some of our favorite off-line lessons and activities. Let us know what you think!

SEEDS Out-of-School Time Resources Webpage

How We Can Support Families Together

1. Share our resources and links with families you know

Help us spread the word about these resources and engage more community members.

2. Share activity ideas and resources with us

We will keep curating activity ideas and learning resources that prioritize hands-on learning and encourage time in the out-of-doors. Tell us what’s working for you so we can share with our students and families! Contact Elizabeth at with submissions as well as format and content questions, or share them directly in the Facebook Group.

3. Help us create new high quality activities and resources

Do you have education experience and want to create learning content for SEEDS students? Contact Elizabeth at for more information.

4. Encourage the parents and teachers around you!

School ending early has been a tough pivot on a lot of us, share some kudos! Want to send a compliment to our teaching staff who have been working so hard to continue supporting their students? You can always share your thoughts and messages with an email to or a card to our mailbox (P.O. Box 2454, Traverse City, MI 49685).

5. Create more learning opportunities for underserved children

Donors like you make our programs possible! Visit our Donate page to find our PayPal link, or send a gift by mail.

Above: Big smile from fourth grader, Corbin, as he receives a box full of activities in the mail from his favorite site coordinator, Erin.