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Bell Peppers, Pomegranates, and Peanut Butter, Oh My!

Above: Third grader Alivia shows off her mini bagel wreath, part of the ‘Smart Snacking’ lesson where students learned how to choose foods from the five food groups to create a healthy snack.

We just love seeing kids get excited about new, healthy foods! Thanks to funding from the Michigan Fitness Foundation, SEEDS is offering even more nutrition education to elementary school classes in Mesick (Floyd M. Jewett), Brethren (Kaleva Norman Dickson), and Marion Elementary School. You may know us as “SEEDS After School” – but we are in the school-day classroom now too!

Teachers and parents are thrilled that their kids are trying new foods and learning the importance of eating healthy! And the kids are having fun! –Sarah Shelp, Nutrition Education Specialist

The Healthy Schools Healthy Communities program also allows us to bring fitness activities to these students. This year, approximately 200 students will receive at least six sessions filled with healthy snacks and the importance of eating healthy and staying fit!

With a mid-to-long-view perspective, we are also working with school stakeholders and the surrounding community to identify assets and collaborative opportunities to improve community health in bigger picture, systemic ways.

Left: Aiden, third grade, gets ready to dive into his veggie roll-up after learning to categorize foods into the five food groups.

Center: Kindergartner, John, chomps into his zoo buddies celebration snack!

Right: Allyson, Kindergarten, cheerfully tried a variety of fruits. The ‘Fruits and Veggies for Me’ lesson was all about eating the rainbow!

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