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Young adults do like the skilled trades!

Hands On & Outside

There are 3 million unfilled skilled trades jobs in the U.S. The SEEDS Youth Conservation Corps offers young adults the opportunity to see if hands-on and outdoor jobs are right for them.

As a Corpsmember in Saginaw, Daeveon Clemons has learned that he really enjoys working with his hands. He is now planning to pursue a career in the skilled trades.

“I joined SEEDS because most of my life I was an inside kind of kid. Working outside has been a great, new experience for me!” – Daeveon Clemons, Saginaw Corpsmember

The SEEDS Youth Conservation Corps has created over 500 seasonal jobs since 2009. The Corps encourages life-long stewardship by getting members to restore and reinvest in their own community. Our work has included historical preservation, parkland improvements, trail construction, habitat restoration, carpentry, agriculture, reforestation, and more!

“It’s hard to find young adults who want to get into trades, so it’s great to be a part of a project that is actively encouraging them!” – Jim Conner, Construction Trades Mentor

About SEEDS Youth Conservation Corps: SEEDS Youth Conservation Corps provides an earn-while-you-learn format to support youth as they develop specific skills and leadership qualities. Corpsmembers gain invaluable work experiences while serving their local communities. With SEEDS, members also gain an ecological perspective on life. Learn more about SEEDS Youth Conservation Corps here. Support our work with a gift by visiting our Donate page.