Press and media mentions


Elk Rapids News | March 14, 2025

“On STEM Day students from kindergarten to 5th grade had the exciting opportunity to control a robot using a tablet. This hands-on experience was designed to introduce students to the world of technology and robotics, offering them a fun way to engage with STEM concepts (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). STEM Day was coordinated and facilitated by Laura Gehman (Rapid City Elementary principal) and Brett Bontrager (the SEEDS coordinator).” 

City of Traverse City | February 22, 2025

“The City partnered with Carter’s Compost and SEEDS to host the Pumpkin Smashing Extravaganza in November 2024, at the City’s in-vessel composting unit. This free event invited the community to smash pumpkins and learn about sustainability while contributing to smashing the City’s goal of diverting one ton of pumpkins from landfills by diverting 3 times that amount! The initiative showcased the new 20-yard in-vessel composting system, and its annual waste capabilities, as part of the City’s efforts to reduce emissions and promote food waste reduction.”

Traverse City Ticker | January 31, 2025

“Forest Area Community Schools awarded $4,000 funding to partner with SEEDS EcoSchool to develop a Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) educational after-school program to engage about 600 students in learning about their natural surroundings and sustainable resource management techniques.”

Rural Innovation Exchange | January 30, 2025

“SEEDS as an organization is very systems-minded,” Flynn says. “There is going to be a need for more solutions-oriented workforce members that understand green infrastructure. That understand climate-responsive solutions. There’s longevity and a need for the skill sets that we’re training people in.”

Traverse City Record-Eagle | January 12, 2025

“They are the next generation that will take care of the Earth, especially in northern Michigan. It’s vital to protect it.” — Keira Long, site coordinator for Benzie’s Betsie Valley Elementary School’s EcoSchool


EGLE Newsroom | December 3, 2024

“The new contingent of 31 MHC Corps members will work through October 2025 to develop practical resources for Michiganders, bolster the state’s clean energy and sustainability workforce, build climate action capacity in communities across the state…”

Interlochen Public Radio | November 14, 2024

“The city, Carter’s Compost, and the nonprofit SEEDS held the “Pumpkin Smashing Extravaganza” after more than a week of collecting pumpkins at the new composter. The underlying goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions coming from landfills, like methane that comes from food waste.”

Traverse City Ticker | November 9, 2024

“The City of Traverse City is teaming up with Carter’s Compost & SEEDS at the City’s in-vessel composting unit, located at 143 Beitner Rd. The City hopes to divert 1 ton of pumpkins from landfills. Composting pumpkins helps reduce greenhouse gases, diverts waste, & returns nutrients to the soil, improving environmental health.”

Traverse City Ticker | November 6, 2024

“Last week, the City of Traverse City launched the “Pumpkin Smashing Extravaganza,” a program with a goal of diverting post-Halloween pumpkin waste from landfills. On Tuesday, the city announced that, in just the first three days of the program, it met its goal of collecting 1 ton of pumpkins. Now, the city and its partners have set a new goal of logging 2 tons of pumpkin waste by the time the program concludes this coming Saturday, November 9.”

Northern Express | November 2, 2024

“Take part in the Pumpkin Smashing Extravaganza and help our environment! The City of Traverse City is teaming up with Carter’s Compost and SEEDS at the city’s in-vessel composting unit, located at 143 Beitner Rd. on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 10am-1pm.” 

Green Mountain Technologies | October 2024

“The Earth Flow IM20 in vessel composting system is the hub of an impressive partnership between Traverse CityCarter’s Compost and the SEEDS Ecology and Education Center.”

Traverse City Record-Eagle | October 23, 2024

“In 2021 SEEDS commissioned a “market analysis” of the local organic waste stream and diversion opportunities in the 10-county region. SEEDS’ research showed that in Grand Traverse County, more than 15,000 tons of organic material were being landfilled annually, producing the equivalent of greenhouse gases from around 2,000 vehicles. The study identified the need for a centralized composting facility to process additional food waste along with the yard waste already composted by the city.”

Traverse City Record-Eagle | October 2, 2024

“SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers was recognized during the State of Michigan’s Race to Talent event, part of this year’s Michigan Works! Conference.”

Interlochen Public Radio | September 25, 2024

“SEEDS will help run the composter, which can process up to 60 tons of food waste a year. It will take the finished product to Historic Barns Park, where it will be part of the compost petting zoo and will be used in the gardens there.”

UpNorthLive | September 20, 2024

“The city held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday for its Compost and Food Waste Reduction project.

‘Getting organic material out of the flow of landfills has a lot of community benefit,’ Seeds Ecology and Educational Centers Executive Director Sarna Salzman said.”

Traverse City Ticker | September 20, 2024

“Groups including Norte, TART Trails, SEEDS, Grand Traverse Conservation District and the YMCA have all expressed interest in partnering on programming, such as summer day camps.”

Yahoo! Life [The Record-Eagle, Traverse City, Mich.] | September 14, 2024

“The Michigan Recycling Coalition and the Michigan Organics Council are hosting the Great Michigan Compost Tour around the state this fall.

Locally, SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers will present the Great Northern Michigan Compost Crawl next week.”

Traverse City Ticker | September 9, 2024

The city will host a public ribbon-cutting ceremony September 19 at 3:30pm at the Department of Public Services (DPS) facility at 625 Woodmere Avenue to celebrate the official launch of the city’s Compost and Food Waste Reduction Project.

9&10 News | September 6, 2024

“Currently, 38% of what we throw away is material that, under different circumstances, could be composted and turned back into soil. Instead, what happens in the landfill is that material, gets in an environment that has no oxygen and anaerobic environment, and it, turns into methane, which is a highly potent greenhouse gas,” says Sarna Salzman SEEDS Executive Director., March 22, 2024

An innovative program’s first cohort begins its eight-month mission to drive climate action across the state and support a new generation of climate professionals with workforce development and leadership skills.

Traverse City Record-Eagle, March 1 2024

The grant is part of $64 million in Community Center grant funding being awarded to municipalities and organizations across the state. SEEDS is to receive $250K.

Great Lakes Now/IPR,  January 17, 2024

Along with Elk Rapids, several other entities have Climate Corps positions in northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, including the Antrim Conservation District in Bellaire, East Bay Charter Township near Traverse City, and organizations such as Michigan Energy Options and SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers.

IPR, January 2, 2024

SEEDS has been composting with local restaurants in Traverse City, and in 2023, the initiative has diverted more than 6,700 lbs of food scraps!

Manistee News Advocate; January 8, 2024

SEEDS is awared $40K in grants to continue environmental education in Manistee County! Read more here!

Urban Wood Network, January 12, 2024

EcoCorps Program Director, Jennifer Flynn, is named one of the newest members on the board for the Urban Wood Network!


Traverse City Ticker, December 29, 2023

SEEDS EcoCorps crew members built nearly 2 miles of  trail around Arbutus Lake in Grand Traverse County!

The Traverse City Ticker;  Nov. 22, 2023

The Traverse City Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is preparing to launch two significant new programs: a long-discussed new retail incubator, which is targeting an April opening but will host a holiday pop-up, and a composting program for downtown restaurants. 

Michigan NCST News & Updates; September 14, 2023

EcoCorps work recap along Sawdust Hole in Manistee National Forest.

Traverse City Record-Eagle; August 23, 2023

Local residents pull invasive plants at the SEEDS Farm at Historic Barns Park.

The Herald Review; August 22, 2023

The Evart DDA, in coordination with the Twin Creek Nature Area hosted the inaugural Environmental Education Expo in downtown Evart

Traverse City Ticker, July 28, 2023

The Traverse City Ticker sits down with Executive Director, Sarna Salzman, to discuss the region-wide composting initiative.

9 & 10 News, July 18, 2023

SEEDS EcoSchool brings unique learning opportunities to students across Northern Michigan.

Teaching staff prioritize hands-on and outdoor activities that develop leadership, life skills, and resilience.

SEEDS Ecoschool at Benzie Middle School created a doghouse for Cherryland Humane Society, and students and staff tell us more about that project and everything they do!

Traverse City Ticker; March, 27, 2023

What started as a discussion last fall among Traverse City commissioners about adopting a new building electrification policy has expanded into a broader review of sustainable building practices.

Ticker, February 27, 2023

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded the city a $255,396 grant for a two-year pilot to launch a compost and food waste reduction program. The city’s department of public services – working with the city manager’s office, a city-contracted grant writer, and local nonprofit SEEDS – successfully applied for the grant aimed at educating the community on “the potential reduction of waste by using small-scale food composting operations.”

Traverse City Record Eagle, February 26, 2023

Thanks to the Traverse City-based SEEDS EcoCorps, more than 575 youth since 2009 have been a part of a green-collar workforce learning the skills and opportunities involved in environmental careers.


WCMU Public Radio, October 25, 2022

Organic waste makes up a one-third of Michigan’s solid waste stream. And it’s not just food. It’s also yard waste and paper. Listen to the interview here.

The Northern Express, October 10, 2022

Northern Michigan is a special place to live and work for many reasons, but chief among the area’s benefits is our beautiful—and in some places, still untouched—natural setting. In an effort to make sure that beauty exists for decades to come, Traverse City nonprofit SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers teamed up with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service this summer for habitat restoration projects in the Huron-Manistee National Forests.

The Record Eagle, September 23, 2022

Arguably one of the most impactful ways to improve human wellness and mitigate the impacts of climate change is a robust and healthy trail system. – Jennifer Flynn, EcoCorps Program Director

Leelanau Enterprise, August 24, 2022

Jennifer Flynn, EcoCorps program director, said EcoCorps members enjoy a sense of adventure in their work.

UpNorthLive, August 19, 2022

One of the group’s members you may see helping out is Petra Foote. Last year was her first year as an EcoCorps crew member. Foote said since then she found a new love for the outdoors and what goes into restoring and naturalizing parks.

Cadillac News, August 11, 2022

During the summer break, SEEDS held an EcoSchool summer camp where students at Marion Elementary were exposed to several projects including learning about nature, ecology, science, history and culture. This was done through hands-on activities and field trips.

The Record Eagle, July 14, 2022

“This Hodeypyle section is a more focused project. It requires planning and oversight, and more volunteers and local conservation resource support such as SEEDS when we can get it. They have been a big help in completing these type of projects.”

Benzie County Record Patriot, July 7, 2022

Students at Benzie County Central Middle School are getting the chance to learn gardening basics and other skills as part of a SEEDS EcoSchool summer program.

The Herald Review, July 5, 2022

Twin Creek Nature Area in Evart hosted a group of students from Marion Public Schools last week as part of the SEEDS EcoSchool program.

The Record Eagle, May 14, 2022

All the fresh herbs, vegetables, and fruits grown in the Giving Garden are harvested and distributed to families experiencing food insecurity.

Traverse City Ticker, May 8, 2022

In the early 2000s, the City of Traverse City and Garfield Township banded together to form a joint recreational authority concerned with finding a future use for the historic barns on the State Hospital grounds, along with several surrounding parklands.

The Record Eagle, April 17, 2022

Pent up energy from a day of sitting in class filled the woods behind Forest Area middle and high school on Thursday afternoon.

UpNorthLive, April 15, 2022

SEEDS EcoSchool has been a part of Benzie County Central Schools for four years. Students K-12 can sign up throughout the school year. Watch video here.

Traverse Ticker, Jan 8, 2022

The city partnered with SEEDS on an urban wood program that repurposed trees removed during the Safe Routes to School project and during the road construction project at the Historic Barns.

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