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Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary with Us by Joining Our Drawdown EcoChallenge Team!

We have a special ask for our 20th anniversary! Will you help us celebrate by making a measurable environmental impact? Join “Team SEEDS” in the second annual Drawdown EcoChallenge and join an international movement to reverse global warming!
Last year SEEDS placed #30 out of 750 teams worldwide! Will you join our team and help us bust into the top 20 for our anniversary?
What it is:

The Drawdown EcoChallenge is an easy, online interactive “game” that gets you taking environmental action in the real world. It is a three-week challenge from April 3-24 that is based on the research ofProject Drawdown.

Ways to participate:

  1. Sign up as a member of “Team SEEDS” by visiting this link or searching for “SEEDS” on the Drawdown EcoChallenge team page and select five challenges (or more!)
  2. Encourage others to participate and sign up for “Team SEEDS” by sharing links, our social posts, or this email! Help us spread awareness by using the hashtags #20yearswithSEEDS and #DrawdownEcoChallenge.
  3. Pledge a donation to SEEDS for every pound of carbon saved by our team using this form.

Once you sign up and join “Team SEEDS,” you can create a profile and commit to different daily and one-time challenges (find them on the dashboard). Challenges range from smart commuting to research projects to increasing the amount of vegetarian meals you eat.

It’s fun! Log in at least once a week to mark down what actions you’ve taken and voila! Add points to “Team SEEDS” and also get kudos on the carbon you’ve prevented or sequestered!

It’s all based on solid science, so take quantified credit for your efforts! Our team will make collective individual actions that really add up!

For More Information:

Project Drawdown is a compilation of the existing climate solution strategies with the greatest potential to reduce emissions or sequester carbon. All are carefully analyzed and ranked according to cost effectiveness, greenhouse gasses avoided or removed, and how quickly they can be implemented. The overwhelming majority lead to regenerative economic outcomes that create security, produce jobs, improve health, save money, facilitate mobility, eliminate hunger, prevent pollution, restore soil, clean rivers, and more.

Carbon “drawdown” is defined as the point in time when the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases peaks and begins to decline on a year-to-year basis. The term “global warming” refers to the surface temperature of the earth. “Climate change” refers to the many changes that will occur with increases in surface temperature and greenhouse gasses. Project Drawdown is a model for how to begin the reduction of greenhouse gases in order to reverse global warming.