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We Love Farmers!

Above: Fran and Al of Greenrock Farms are familiar faces at the Sara Hardy Downtown Farmers Market.
Local, healthy food is an integral part of a stronger future, that’s why we support it at the source, farmers! Here’s just a few of our favorite ways:

SEEDS Manages the Sara Hardy Farmers Market

Above: EcoCorps staff Joe, Gabby, Serena, and Kyle prepare orders for the online farmers market, now entering its third year!
SEEDS has managed the Sara Hardy Downtown Farmers Market for the Traverse City DDA since 2011. It’s one of the largest growers-only farmers markets in the state, meaning that all products are grown or made locally. We are continuing the market through the winter with online ordering. Here are the 2021 stats:
Live Market, May-October
– 87 local vendors participated
– 70,000 customers visited, estimated
Online Market, January-December
– 38 local vendors participated
– $121,000 spent on local products
– 2402 hand-packed orders
Food Assistance Programs
– 6 programs offered
– $38,000 reimbursed to farmers


SEEDS Provides Land to Up-and-Coming Farmers

The average age of farmers keeps rising, meaning we need more young farmers! So we support new farmers through our Resident Farmer Program at Historic Barns Park. We have provided access to land in Traverse City historically used for farming for over a decade!

Above: Our resident farmers and EcoCorps crew members have worked hard to increase the health of the soil on the SEEDS Farm. They tested it last year by burying cotton underwear. The microbes were so healthy they ate everything but the elastic!

Accepting Proposals for Resident Farmers

Are you a farmer or farming-inclined and just wish you had a plot of land in Traverse City to grow and experiment with? Do you have a vision and capacity for an agricultural or horticultural installation that invites visitors and the public to look and learn? SEEDS is seeking proposals for the 2022 growing season at Historic Barns Park!

Contact: Wondering if your idea is appropriate or have additional questions about the opportunity? Contact Jennifer Flynn:; (828) 380-9541
Proposals Due: February 20, 2022


SEEDS Supports Our Local Food Economy

SEEDS at Forest Area Middle School did a fun and unique fundraiser for their sugar shack with the Kalkaska Conservation District. Instead of selling items from a chain fundraising company, they partnered with nearby vendors and farmers to sell local products, like honey and soaps.

The funds supported the farmers AND paid for new windows and doors for the sugar shack! Happy Homestead Farm and Howling Moon Farm even visited the students to teach them about their farm and how they make their products.