For the love of food!
Nutrition education is a staple dish of our EcoSchool program, which served more than 1000 students during the 2022-2023 school year. Our staff members teach gardening, composting, cooking, and the math and…
Nutrition education is a staple dish of our EcoSchool program, which served more than 1000 students during the 2022-2023 school year. Our staff members teach gardening, composting, cooking, and the math and…
Planting a Love for Gardening Posted by SEEDS on Jul 28 , 2021 - 08:43 am Above: Ethan at Forest Area Middle School shows off a green tomato. SEEDS After School expanded the garden during summer camp and planted tomatoes, squash, corn, carrots, and more. Gardening is a nature lesson that anyone can take part [...]